Our service has made many changes in the recent months so please read this page as we have spotted some area and added a lot more to the service we feel was much needed in the community.
We would like to announce we are now funded by the National Lottery community fund and also Southampton City council. We would like to thank them immensely for supporting us in supporting our families in the much needed areas of support in the city.
Unfortunately we can no longer offer the full one-one support as the demand was to great to run effectively. The good news how ever is that we have now reshaped this so no referrals or waiting list will be in place, instead we will be running from September a daily crisis drop in service! for you to be able to access us within certain times of the day (weekdays).
The details of how this will look will be released soon.
During September we will be launching our new support line. So be aware the contact details include the new number.
If you need to make contact prior to the 1st of September please email us on Southamptonautismservice@gmail.com
Going forward our services include;
* Weekly Drop In Support Group
*A youth club to allow parent/carers to access support or respite.
*Life skills courses broken up into different skills needed when transitioning to adulthood.
*Cooking courses broken into two different ages (within school hours)
*Lego therapy
*Courses such as Zones of regulation
*First steps following diagnosis
Talks on Autism as a whole from people who experience it first hand allowing an open conversation and ask questions to develop an understanding.